Sophie Vanier as the White Queen, Elizabeth Woodville...
This epic, site-specific production chronicles the Wars of the Roses in a whole new way. It is a completely immersive theatrical experience that takes the audience on a journey exploring the burdens of royalty, the betrayal of family and decades of power struGGle for a hollow, blood-stained crown. The curse of bastardy both haunts and spurs the ambitious to greatness. The key theme of bastard bloodlines weaves its way in and out of this intricate, but amazingly clear telling of a history so bizarre that it has captured the attention of countless authors and playwrights over the centuries. This new production, with its Cathedral backdrop, begins the tale after the death of Golden King Henry V-charting the narratives from Shakespeare's Henry VI Parts 1-3, and continuing on through the entirety of Richard III. The Bard's timeless words are artfully woven together in brilliant iambic pentameter by modern master playwright Sybil Lines (formerly of the Royal Shakespeare Company). Her rendering of this famous history involves two intertwining plays that are performed simultaneously-one following the powerful York family, and the other following the rival Lancaster family . Incorporationg historical facts that Shakespeare was forced to omit, she poignantly illustrates for us the rise and fall of the greatest island country the world has ever seen. Whose side will YOU take-York or Lancaster? Welcome to 15th Century England...